10 χρόνια χειρουργική παχυσαρκίας και μεταβολικών νόσων (σακχαρώδης διαβήτης)

10 χρόνια
χειρουργική παχυσαρκίας
και μεταβολικών νόσων
(σακχαρώδης διαβήτης)

χειρουργική σακχαρώδη διαβήτη τύπου 2

σακχαρώδη διαβήτη
τύπου ΙΙ


Υπάρχει αύριο μετά από αποτυχία!

Υπάρχει αύριο
      μετά από


πρόληψη και αντιμετώπιση του   Διαβήτη

πρόληψη και
      αντιμετώπιση του


χειρουργική νοσογόνου παχυσαρκίας


Outcome of obesity related comorbidities following laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding: a two-year prospective study

Παρουσιάστηκε στο 12th Congress of IFSO, Porto, Portugal 5-8 Sept 2007
Background: Obesity is often associated with comorbidities that require medical treatment. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of gastric banding on obesity-related comorbidities two years postoperatively.
Methods: Two hundred morbidly obese patients (mean age: 35 years old, mean preoperative BMI: 44 kg/m2) underwent laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding using the Helioscopie band (Heliogast® HAGE). One or more comorbidities were reported in 60 patients (30%). Hypertension (11%), diabetes (8%), fatty liver (4%), hyperlipidemia (3%), gastroesophageal reflux disease (3%), sleep apnea (3%) and osteoarthritis (3%) were the most common comorbidities. Patients were followed up to 24 months and the status of comorbidities was assessed before surgery and at the end of follow up.
Results: At 24 months mean %EWL was 65%. Complications were as follows: slippage 3%, band leakage 1%, gastric erosion 0.5%. All these complications were managed laparoscopically with band repositioning. Resolution of comorbidities was seen in 100% of patients having fatty liver, 100% with sleep apnea, 100% with reflux, 75% with diabetes, 66% with hyperlipidemia and 63% with hypertension.
Conclusion: Gastric banding is an effective weight loss operation with few complications. The majority of the patients are free of their obesity-related comorbidities two years postoperatively.
